Monday, August 18, 2008

Church Done With A Smile

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend a dynamic churche in the Dallas area, and this church is all about the weekend. On Saturday night we headed out to Fellowship Church in Grapevine, where Ed Young is the senior pastor. If you have know me for any length of time, you know I follow Ed Young and admire his creative thought.

As I pulled into the campus and then proceeded to walk in the main meeting space, all I could see were smiles. All I could see is people excited about being a Christ follower. All I could see was the greeters, the parking attendants, and the ushers all smiles to know they are serving something far greater than what is seen. And as the drones of people began to flood the 5000 seat room, once again I saw people united with a smile.

As the service began, I was overtaken with emotion. Just to have to opportunity to be in this place, with all these smile, serving the One and Only Jehovah, took me to a place I will soon never forget. The thought I pose to myself is " Am I all smiles about Jesus Christ?"

Church and Christian I think it is time that we take a deeper examination of who we are in Christ, and understand that we must show off Christ the best we can, at whatever cost.

What makes you smile?

Keep Dreaming


Anonymous said...

What makes me smile is seeing how much you have given yourself to the Lord. Being one who struggles with trust, I smile at the trust you have in the Lord to carry you to through.

KevinConnell said...

What makes me smile is the reality of seeing what could be... Great post! The church needs about 90% more smiles then when people visit they would feel like they want to come back if its members enjoy it this much!!

2xBorn said...

word up. it makes me smile to hear a church like that exists beyond my imagination.